Sunday, October 20, 2019

Generate Traffic to your website by using PINTEREST | How to use Pinterest for your business | Benefits of using Pinterest for your business

What is it?

Pinterest is a social a network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as 'pinning' on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned. Using a visual orientation, the social network is very much focused on the concept of a person's lifestyle, allowing you to share your tastes and interests with others and discovering those of likeminded people. 

How to create a Pinterest Account?
Personal Account

Sign up for Pinterest
Sign up for Pinterest  (  )by creating a username. If you create a new account rather than using Twitter or Facebook, Pinterest will ask you to confirm your email address.
Your Pinterest username must be unique but you can change it later. You can have three to five characters in your Pinterest username, but no punctuation marks, dashes, or other symbols.
Next, go to your email inbox and look for the confirmation message that Pinterest will have sent you. It should contain a confirmation link that you must click on to go back to and finish signing up.

Setting up a Pinterest Account with Facebook or Twitter
If you don't want to create ​a Pinterest login, you must provide Pinterest with your login to either your existing Facebook or Twitter account, including your personal login name and password.

Your Pinterest Username Is Part of Your Pinterest URL
Whatever Pinterest username you choose will form the unique URL or web address for your Pinterest page, such as

Pinterest for Business
Companies that want to use the image-sharing site can sign up for a special, free business account that confers a few advantages, such as the use of buttons and widgets. Pinterest offers a special

How to use a Pinterest Account?

First things first, you want to set up a Pinterest Business account. Then, make sure your profile is optimized to reflect the tone of voice and aesthetic of your brand.
Ensure your bio’s filled with plenty of relevant keywords while reflecting your company's voice.
Add a board cover to your profile. These are amazing for making your Pinterest account more cohesive with your brand.
You'll also need to opt for SEO-friendly board titles. Try to keep them short and snappy. Then, you can utilize the board's description section to insert more keywords and hashtags.

You need to make it as easy as possible for your website visitors to pin images from your web pages onto their Pinterest boards.
You can do this by installing Pinterest's 'Save Button' to allow users to save your images onto their Pinterest account, with just a few simple clicks.
Rich Pins
Utilize rich pins. This display pricing info makes them ideal if you're running an e-commerce store. Alternatively, if you're running a blog, 'article pins' are just the ticket for driving traffic.  

Now you have everything up and running; you need to stay active on Pinterest.  You should continually add content to your profile and assess what users are searching for. This way you can provide the best possible content for your audience.

There are a few other things you can do to maximize your Pinterest efforts:
  • Categorize your boards: When you do this, you make it easier for users to find your pins. Not only does this result in increased engagement, but you may even score a few loyal followers. 
  • Find popular group boards. You can use a resource like PinGroupie to identify these boards and contribute to these communities. This is fantastic for getting your brand out there.
  • Add your logo to the bottom of all your images. This helps to boost brand recognition.
    All these ideas will undoubtedly help improve your Pinterest branding.

Reasons You Should Be Using Pinterest for Business?

There are many reasons Pinterest is a great opportunity for businesses.  It will help you introduce your business and blog to a whole new audience.  One pin can lead to ten pins, which can lead to another ten pins, and so on.
Pinterest converts more browsers into buyers.
     Pinterest drives traffic.
     Pins get you more inbound links.
     User engagement is ridiculously high.
     Pinterest integrates with your website, Facebook profile, and Twitter account.
     Discover what your audience loves.

How Pinterest Can Benefit You?

  • Increased awareness
  • Additional blog traffic
  • New leads
  • Increased sales

Disadvantages of Pinterest


Spam is also prevalent on Pinterest. Some companies try to bombard Pinterest users with affiliate shopping links and other link spam. This makes it somewhat harder for you to penetrate the market. It is possible to achieve customer trust, though

Reputation as Being a Hub for Food and Makeup Pictures

All social media networks have a reputation. For better or for worse, many assume Pinterest is overrun with makeup and food pictures. It’s true that more women than men typically use Pinterest, but that’s not a bad thing. It just means you have to segment your audience accordingly.

Pinterest is one of the largest website traffic drivers in the worldThe popularity of Pinterest spans multiple generationsIn 2012, many considered Pinterest to be one of the fastest-growing websites in historyPinterest is 80% more viral and 3x more effective at generating leads than Twitter

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Benefits to your Business by Using Facebook | How to create a Facebook Business Page

Facebook as one top the biggest social networking platform is rapidly gaining on Myspace in terms of total users and traffic. With more people exploring social networking sites, Facebook has become one of the prime online sources for marketing your business. People learn more about products, organizations, artists and world events through it. By creating Facebook business pages, it offers a distinctive marketing opportunity for businesses. Facebook pages can be created and promoted easily. 

How to create a Facebook Business Page? 

Step 1: Sign up

Go to and click Create a Page in the top right-hand corner. You’ll be greeted with several business type options including local business or place, brand or product, and cause or community. 

Select the type of business you’re creating the Facebook Page for. If your business type falls into more than one of the category options, choose the one your customers are most likely to think of when they think about your business.

When you click on a business type, a box will open asking for a few further details, like the name of your business, your address, and your Page category. Categories are basically sub-types within the larger business category you’ve already chosen. When you start typing in the category field, you’ll see a list of potential category options to choose from.

When you’re ready, click Get Started. Note that doing so indicates your acceptance of Facebook’s terms and conditions for Business Pages, so you might want to check those out before you proceed.

Step 2. Add Pictures

Next, you’ll upload a profile and cover images for your Facebook Page.

You’ll upload your profile image first. This image accompanies your business name in search results and when you interact with users, and also appears on the top left of your Facebook Page.

If you’re a big brand, using your logo is probably a safe way to go. 

Your profile picture will appear as a square on your Facebook Page but will be cropped to a circle in ads and posts, so don’t put any critical details in the corners. 

Once you’ve chosen a great one, click Upload Profile Picture.

Now it’s time to choose your cover image, the most prominent image on your Facebook Business Page. 

This image should capture the essence of your brand and convey your brand personality. It will display at 820 x 312 pixels on desktop or 640 x 360 pixels on mobile. The image must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 tall.

Once you’ve selected an appropriate image, click Upload a Cover Photo.

Step 3: Explore your new Page

Your page is alive, albeit it extremely sparse. At this point, you’ll be prompted to take a quick walk-through of a few features. Unless you’re already well aware of how Facebook Business Pages operate, we recommend clicking through the prompts, just so you know where everything is. It only takes a few seconds.

Step 4: Add a short description
Step 5: Create your username
Step 6: Complete your about section
Step 7. Create your first post
Step 8: Start engaging

How to optimize your Facebook Page?

  1. Add a call to action
  2. Add a pinned post
  3. Make the most of tabs
  4. Like other Pages
  5. Review your settings
  6. Learn from Page Insights
  7. Link to your Facebook Page from other web pages
  8. Get verified

Now that you’ve set up your Facebook Page (and optimized it), manage your Facebook presence by using our Digital Marketing Service. We will help you to schedule posts, share videos, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts.

Benefits to your Business by Using Facebook as a Social Media Marketing tool

  1. Facebook pages enable to create a dialogue or interaction between users/customers and brands. It gives an opening to the companies to build and maintain relations with customers, whether new or current
  2. When it comes to marketing of your business, Feedback from the customer is of vital importance. It helps you to understand what are the customer’s expectations and their buying behavior. This, in turn, helps you to market your business in a perfect way. Facebook allows users/consumers to post their feedback on the products directly. It helps the business to attract more attention. It also gives your company an opportunity to respond
  3. As your Facebook business page grows its fan base, it helps in directing the traffic you get to your company website. Your Facebook business page also appears in the universal search results
  4. Facebook provides brand exposure to a potentially new audience which then helps your business to position themselves in better and unique ways
  5. Every time a Facebook user becomes a fan of your page, a notice is posted as a news item that can be viewed by everyone on his friend's list. It helps your business page to go viral on Facebook thus creating a base for acquiring new customers.

What is Why You Should Be Using

What is allows you to stream music for free while combining your favorite music with great listening, watching and sharing features too. What sets apart from other services is that it aims to learn what you like by paying attention to the music you listen to, and then uses its extremely unique and advanced "scrobbler" tool to build a detailed profile for you so that it can provide the best personalized musical recommendations.

The platform was a popular social network for music enthusiasts long before other social music services started popping up. When you sign up, you can build your own user profile and then you can go ahead and connect with friends or check out your weekly musical "neighbors." Groups and events are available to join as well.

How to create a account?

Go to the address bar and type in

If you already have a account you can login using your username and password or else you have to create an account

You need to give an email, a password, and a username for creating an account in

Why You Should Be Using

1.    Personalized Music Recommendations
2.    Control over Your Listening Experience
3.    The Opportunity to Track Your Music Anywhere
4.    Integration with Other Popular Apps
5.    Top Charts So You Always Know What Music Is Hot

Monday, October 14, 2019

Types of Social Media Networks and its Advantage and Disadvantages | Advantages and Disadvantages of social media

Different Types of Social Media Networks

Being active on social media has a number of benefits for business, and there are many things you can accomplish with your social presence, such as performing customer service, engaging customers, generating leads, expanding your audience, driving sales, increasing web traffic, gaining valuable insights and feedback

  • Social networks—Connect with people
  • Media sharing networks—Share photos, videos, and other media
  • Discussion forums—Share news and ideas
  • Bookmarking and content curation networks—Discover, save, and share new content
  • Consumer review networks—Find and review businesses
  • Blogging and publishing networks—Publish content online
  • Interest-based networks—Share interests and hobbies
  • Social shopping networks—Shop online
  • Sharing economy networks—Trade goods and services
  • Anonymous social networks—Communicate anonymously

Social Networks:

Social Media are used to associate with individuals (and brands) on the web. They help your business via branding, social awareness, relationship building, customer service, lead generation, and conversion.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
Media Sharing Networks:
Media sharing types of Social Media are used to find and share photographs, live video, video and other kinds of media on the web.
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • YouTube
Discussion Forums:
Discussion Forums are used for finding, sharing and discussing different kinds of information, opinions, and news.
  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Digg

Bookmarking & Content Curation Networks:
Opting for such types of Social Media will help you find out, share, discuss and save a variety of latest content and media that are trending as well.
  • Pinterest
  • Flipboard

Consumer Review Networks:
Using Customer Review networks will help you find out, share and review different information about a variety of products, services or brands.
  • Yelp
  • Zomato
  • TripAdvisor

Blogging & Publishing Networks:
These types of Social Media networks are used for publishing, discovering and commenting on articles, social media blogs and other content on the web.
  • WordPress
  • Tumblr
  • Medium

Social Shopping Networks:

Find out all the latest trends in marketing or crave to know the shopping tips then such types of Social Media channels are for you.
  • Polyvore
  • Etsy
  • Fancy
Interest-Based Networks:
These types of Social Media networks are used for connecting with other people who have the same sorts of hobbies or interests.
  • Goodreads
  • Houzz

Whether you’re exploring new potential markets for your business or just looking for new channels to connect with your customers, there are many types of social media you can use. Some are pretty much mandatory for any business; others are useful for a smaller subset of niche businesses; and some you should steer clear of entirely.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

  1. Increased Brand Awareness
  2. More Inbound Traffic
  3. Improved Search Engine Rankings
  4. Higher Conversion Rates
  5. Better Customer Satisfaction
  6. Improved Brand Loyalty
  7. Boost Organic Visibility
  8. Cost-Effective
  9. Gain Marketplace Insights
  10. Networking & Partnerships
  11. Track Your Competition
  12. Faster, Easier Communication
  13. Impress Potential Customers
  14. Customer Feedback

Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

  1. Competitors could study your business.
  2. You may have privacy or security issues.
  3. You are exposed to trolls.
  4. Your problems will be more visible.
  5. Some investment may be required.
  6. Qualified personnel is required.

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